
Julia among the stars review
Julia among the stars review

julia among the stars review julia among the stars review

In the original, there was a little mining puzzle you had to do at each planet in order to gain materials needed to repair the ship and build upgrades. This is where one might notice the another major difference between the two versions. Since you don’t know where any other planets are, you need to explore this one. For each planet that you will encounter in the game, you need to have scanned it, which also means you need to be in orbit around it. Julia is unable to help with the former one due to plot-convenient memory lockouts, but you can go ahead and scan a nearby planet. Then on to the the larger issues of what happened to the rest of the crew went, and exactly where you are. There are quite a few sections to fix, so this part can get a bit repetitive, but at least the individual puzzles are reasonably short, so you’ll be done before you get bored. But of course you have to figure out which order to best do these things to fix all of the problems in one section. The computer, who prefers to be called “Julia,” shows Rachel a layout of the ship and thus you have your first job – fix damage by putting out fires, avoiding electrical shorts and venting toxic fumes. It starts out with the main character, Rachel Manners, being revived from cryosleep by a computer because the ship she is on has suffered damage and needs some manual repair. Among The Stars is pretty much the same as it’s predecessor. Among The Stars and ended up getting almost three times what they were initially asking for.

julia among the stars review

A year later they started a crowdfunding campaign to release an enhanced version of the game called J.U.L.I.A. The two gentlemen (Jan Kavan and Lukáš Medek) spent pretty much all the money they did get from the game in legal battles to recover the rights to it. Not unique enough for you? Well, their publisher apparently flaked on these guys, didn’t pay them what was promised, and tried to hold on to the game’s rights. Sounds like a common story, doesn’t it? Well, the game was developed by only two people over the course of three years, using mostly their own funds. came on the scene, and was met with decent reviews and even got a few award nominations. Back in early 2012 an adventure game by the name of J.U.L.I.A.

Julia among the stars review